Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is becoming a common problem among women all over the world. Due to lack of time and excess work, women are not able to pay proper attention to their food and drink and become victims of diseases.
Perhaps you do not know, but your food and drink and living habits have a great effect on your body and the diseases that occur. What you eat and drink has a direct effect on PCOD.
Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD) is a type of hormonal disorder. It mostly affects women in their reproductive age. In this disorder, the female body produces hormones in an unbalanced manner, resulting in an increase in the production of male hormones (androgens) in large numbers. According to research, one out of every ten women is suffering from this disorder.
It is also known as a Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Many small cysts are found in the enlarged ovaries of women affected by PCOS. These cysts cause problems during Periods and Pregnancy. PCOD causes acne and facial hair to grow. In such a situation, there are some yoga asanas with the help of which you can reduce this problem and also get relief from its symptoms.
Symptoms of PCOD
Oligomenorrhea - It is a condition when a female doesn't undergo a period for 35 days or more. It results in 4 to 9 periods a year. It is an irregularity in the menstruation cycle.
Amenorrhea - Amenorrhea is the condition of absence of menstruation. It is also described as skipping one or more menstrual periods. When a female doesn't undergo a period by the age of 15, then the condition is also termed Amenorrhea.
Menorrhagia - On average, a woman discharges 40 ml of blood during their menstruation. When there is a heavy bleeding or prolonged bleeding in a woman during periods, then the condition is known as Menorrhagia.
Hair Growth - When there is excessive growth in a woman's body; especially in the face, back, breast and belly, then it is a thing to concern. It often occurs due to an imbalance of hormones in the woman resulting in PCOD or PCOS.
Acne - Acne, often termed Pimples is common among people. But when it becomes severe and there is uneven growth of acne on the face, breast and upper back, then it might be due to PCOD or PCOS.
Weight Gain - When there is a sudden increase in weight, then it is the cause of hormonal imbalance. This further results in PCOD or PCOS.
Hair Loss - One of the most common symptoms of PCOD or PCOS is the loss of hair. When the hair on the scalp gets thinner and starts falling; then it may be the warning sign and symptoms of PCOD.
Skin Darkening - When there is a sudden darkening of the skin, especially in the area of the Neck, Groin, and breasts; then you should be cautious and consult a doctor.
Yoga is believed to be the best cure for many diseases. It just demands your dedication and time to perform some asanas that will give you relief and help you in overcoming various diseases or illnesses.
Yoga affects our body mentally, physically and subtly. It helps in removing our mental toxins and physical toxins. Here we are telling about some such special asanas, which should be done especially by women suffering from PCOD.
Note: The information is verified by a professional yoga teacher. But still, before performing the following asanas; it is advised to consult the doctor.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
"Bhujanga" means "Cobra" & "Asana" means "Pose" or "Posture"; combining this, the asana is also known as Cobra Pose. The asana is also a part of Surya Namaskar and Padma Sadhana. Bhujangasana is very beneficial in fighting abdomen related issues. To do this asana, lie down on your stomach on a yoga mat. Place both palms on the ground. Now, lift the upper body upwards. Keep in mind that the heels of both feet should be facing upwards. Stay in this position for about 60 seconds and then come back to normal.
Marjarasana (Cat Stretch)
God created the world and nature in such a way that everyone learns something from someone. Similarly, there is something to learn from a Cat. Cat is called Marjari in Sanskrit. The asana, "Marjarasana" is also known as the "Cat Pose" or "Cat Stretch".
The Cat Stretch gives flexibility to the spine and improves blood circulation. Moreover, it relaxes the mind and is considered best for people suffering from Scoliosis.
To do this asana, sit on your knees on a yoga mat. Keep the ankles facing up. Leaning forward, place both the palms on the ground. Now while tilting the head down, tilt the upper body down as well.
Titli Asana (Butterfly Pose)
Doing butterfly posture is very beneficial for women. This asana strengthens the legs and thighs along with the reproductive organs. It also maintains good mental health. Periods are regular by doing the asana daily.
Women suffering from PCOD should do this asana slowly. But it should be done for a long time. While doing Butterfly posture, women should also hold their position for some time in between. This strengthens the nerves of the lower part of the body.
Blood circulation increases in the pubic area, helping to keep the level of hormones right.
Sit in a relaxed posture spreading both the legs forward. Bend the feet and join the knees and soles with each other. One can also sit in Dandasana posture to do this yoga. Place your thighs on the ground with your hands. Now hold the soles of the feet with both hands. Close your eyes and start moving your feet like a butterfly.
Shashankasana (Rabbit Pose)
Shashankasana is also known as Hare Pose or Rabbit Pose. The practice of Shashankasana strengthens the pelvic muscles, as well as cures the problems of the reproductive organs, due to which the hormone secretion of the reproductive glands is balanced. It is very beneficial for women as it fights against PCOD, infertility, pregnancy issues, and all.
First of all, sit in Vajrasana and then raise both your hands while inhaling. The shoulders should be close to the ears. Then while bending forward, spread both the hands forward parallel to each other; while exhaling, place the palms on the ground. Then rest the head on the ground too. Stay in this position for some time.
Chakki Chalanasana (The Churning Mill Pose)
The origin of this posture is from the hand-operated mill in the olden days. That's why its name is also Chakki Chalanasana, that is, this asana is done in the same way as a flour grinding mill is operated by hand. So it is neither difficult nor more technical to do it.
It is beneficial in fighting the problem of PCOD. It nourishes the muscles located in the uterus, ovaries, kidneys and lower abdomen and helps in keeping them healthy.
To perform this asana, sit on the floor by laying a rug or mat. Spread both your legs forward. Although the mill was operated by sitting, in this you have to sit comfortably with your hips on the ground and not on your feet. After this, bring both hands in front of you. By joining both the hands, start rotating it clockwise, the way the mill is operated. Similarly, rotate anti-clockwise. In the beginning, you can do it for 10 minutes.
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
Surya Namaskar asana is usually done to increase the concentration of the mind and reduce weight. But if women suffering from PCOD do this asana at a slow pace, it will help them to strengthen the muscles of their pubic area, urinary tract veins and the muscles of the lower abdomen. It is helpful in regularizing the menstrual cycle.
It is a combination of 12 asanas performed in the right manner and time. These are -
- Pranamasana or The Prayer Pose
- Hashtauttanasana or Raised Arms Pose
- Hastapadasana or Standing Forward Bend
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana or Equestrian Pose
- Dandasana or Stick Pose
- Ashtanga Namaskara or Salute with Eight Parts or Points
- Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
- Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana or Equestrian Pose
- Hastapadasana or Standing Forward Bend
- Hastauttanasana or Raised Arms Pose
- Tadasana or Mountain Pose